07 January 2006

nearly 3 weeks old... presque 3 semaines!

Here she is again! It's been a while since the last photos but Sienna was a little unwell and spent a few days in hospital. Nothing serious, she's fine now. Since then, we've been home, getting to know each other. She's doing great, sleeping 4-5h stretches and waking only once a night most nights. Still, Steve and I fell like zombies!
Grandma, Uncle Chris and Mamie have been visiting so Sienna has had a lot of cuddles from her family! Papi is arriving on Monday and a trip to France is planned soon to meet the rest of the Frenchies.
Steve will be going back to work on Monday, 3 weeks of paternity leave and Christmas holidays have gone too fast! He's sad to be leaving his 2 ladies at home...
As for me, I will welcome the help of my dad for my first week alone, a bit scary!

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