27 November 2005

Head down and ready to pop

So far the Baby has been very happy sitting up and head butting Sarah in the diaphragm. Normally, by 36 weeks, babies have realised that the exit is down and rotated, not ours! After doing a thorough scan to check the cord wasn't wrapped around the neck an obstetrician at the hospital tried to rotate baby to point head down. The little cheeky one tried very hard to resist, it was only on the third attempt that we had success.

I'm glad to report (not that it was me this was being done to) that the procedure was painless for Sarah and very safe for the Baby. The doctor at Queen Charlotte and Chelsea hospital (Mrs. Patterson-Brown) was excellent.

So, still head down and I think Baby's understood the message, proceed swiftly to the exit! Only 18 days left until the expected due date!!!!!!!!!!!!

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