24 April 2006

Sienna can sit and stand up alone!

Sienna can sit and stand stand up alone for a few seconds! Check her out having fun with her NCT friends.

16 April 2006

Sienna first eats solids

Sienna was getting very hungry and waking up many times at night so she's started on solid food. She's had baby rice and it is going down quite well. She was very keen to drink like Dad and Mum and is doing very well with her baby cut and big grown up glasses as well.

07 April 2006

My first time in a hotel

Sienna went away for the weekend with her parents to the Cotswolds. She had a great time and Mum and Dad enjoyed a dinner in the restaurant while little one was asleep in the room: baby monitors are a wonderful invention!
Sienna has started to have some bottles of formula milk and can feed helself but as you can see, she prefers chocolate bars! Sienna also excercises on her baby gym and she can now roll over from front to back and back to side, really have to watch her now! Today, she's wearing her first pair of shoes, handbag is next on the list of new things to try ;-)