28 October 2005

Look how she's grown...

Sarah very quickly began to show. After only a couple of week she started to outgrow her clothes. This was one of the first pics I took of her at about 8 weeks

A couple of arty shots

Here are a couple of pictures that my very talented brother Chris took last weekend of the ever expanding Sarah and I. This tranquil scene is going to change very soon :-)

The last few weeks before birth

Well, it's nearly time to welcome the little one. In fact we were in the hospital last night and thought that labour was about to start. Actually the contractions still haven't stopped, so we may be back off to the hospital yet!

This is the first Blog we've ever done, it seemed a bit naf at first, but after speaking to a lot of old crusties whose kids are all grown up, they don't seem to be able to remember anything about the early years of their children's lives. So I thought that it would be a good idea to capture some of those thoughts.

It's also a good place to share some of the photos and videos that we take over the next few months with our friends and family.

So, watch this space....
